It’s been a couple weeks since my semester at SMWC ended, and I guess I am missing long form writing. Just kidding! I do like typing, so maybe that is what I am missing. The satisfying clack of the keyboard. All joking aside, I started a project at the beginning of December, and I think to explain it, and my thoughts behind it, I needed to write it out.
Since the beginning of August I have been consumed with my master’s program. There is so much reading, and research, and writing. My brain is tired. To get all of this done, naturally something had to fall away. Sadly, it was any type of personal art practice. I thrive on small daily art habits, and for all of that to go away has been really difficult. But I just couldn’t do it all, and I knew that to pursue this degree there would have to be sacrifices, and the art (so ironic considering that I am studying art therapy) was the thing that fell off.
Seeing the light at the end of all the papers made me itch to do something creative, just for me. So, on December 1st I picked up my big camera again, and vowed to take a picture of something everyday in December. A daily photo project is something that I have always wanted to do. I have big visions of completing an entire year someday. I figured because I was so hungry to stretch my own creative muscles again that I could do a month. 31 “big camera” photographs.
So far so good! I’m on day 18 of December, looking for things all around that are beautiful, and that I want to remember. And it feels so good.
Why does this feel so good? A couple reasons. I feel like an artist when I make some sort of art. Any kind, but for me it has to be regular. One painting a month doesn’t feel like what an artist would do, so the daily habit (for me) is the key. One photograph is so doable, a its like wading back into the pool after sitting on the edge for a while. Another reason why this daily photo habit is so good for me is because it makes me look for beautiful things. When I’m not actively looking for beauty I don’t see it. It’s almost like a visual gratitude journal. It is a way to “put myself in the way of beauty.”
Yes, sign me up for that.
Lastly, my kids are getting older, and I lament the fact that I have all but given up taking daily pictures of them. Its so easy when they’re small. When their world is only as big as your backyard. Its more difficult to capture their lives now, but maybe only because I’m out of practice. So, I’m hoping to get back in the saddle with my camera, looking for beauty at every turn.
“There’s always a sunrise and always a sunset, and it’s up to you to choose to be there for it. Put yourself in the way of beauty.”
-Cheryl Strayed, Wild
The kids’ handmade ornaments.