Party of one.

Today is my birthday! I had grand plans to release a collection of digital printable artworks in my shop today. The ideal collection size in my mind was thirteen. Seemed appropriate seeing how my birthday is on the thirteenth. Anyway, with one successful digitized artwork all ready to go it seemed possible last week.

It was not possible. Ha! I was excited to just allow myself to try this out to see how it went. As with most new things, there is a learning curve! I didn’t quite factor that in. Also, a high quality scanner works much better than a camera for this. (Added to the wishlist!) So, while I do have plans to add more digital artwork in the near future, that day is not today.

Today there is a party of one pretty color swatch all ready for you to purchase and print. I thought it would be much better to offer one printable that I am super happy with, rather than more that I am not excited about or worried about the quality of. I guess as important as it is to allow myself to try something it is also important to allow myself to change plans.

So if you are interested, please purchase and print away! I order a sample of this one for myself from Mpix, and I loved how it turned out. I ordered a giclee print and it turned out great. I think it would look good on regular photo paper too, I just love that matte finish! The print size for this artwork is set at 5x7”, the same size as the original. Hopefully as I climb up that learning curve I will learn how to make multiple sizes.

Now on to birthday celebrating. My daughter has been working on a very chocolate cake, and I can’t wait to try it. As always, thank you for reading.