Borrowing boldness.

I am not a bold person. If I get the wrong order in a restaurant I will more than likely just smile and say “Why, yes! Everything is fine!” when in fact I didn’t order this food at all. I am bad about sticking up for myself, promoting myself, believing in myself. So, when someone else is bold, does promote and believe in me, I am so so thankful.

Our friend Al proposed an idea to me early this year about collaborating on an art project. He is a stained glass artist (so cool!), and thought that one of my paintings would be beautiful in glass. Would I like to do more in this style? Sure! Could we work together? Yes! He had a connection at a gallery. Should we approach them to showcase our work? Yes again!

So, with much thanks to Al’s boldness, three of my horse paintings along with his amazing stained glass pieces are currently hanging in the High Frenquency Arts gallery in Fishers, IN. Our horses will be up through the month of September! I am so excited and thankful for this opportunity.

Thanks Al, for everything.