The blue ribbons of summer.

Have you ever seen people list things that are “saving their life right now?” I’ve seen posts like this floating around the internet, and I really love them. Author Barbara Brown Taylor is credited with originating this idea. We are quick to make note of the things that are killing us, but can we list the things that are giving us life? However big or small?

While I like the saving my life idea, author Shannan Martin made her own list (I think I read her version in an email she sent out) and titled it something like the “blue ribbon winners” of her life right now. I love that idea, and was inspired to make my own list. Now that school has officially started, and this season is drawing to a close, I would like to award the following blue ribbons of summer:

  1. My black rubber barn boots. My kids all wear Crocs to the barn. I have before, but there is a small problem with this: the holes. Pig shavings and feed and who knows what else (I know, its poop) get on your feet and it is nasty. Pieces of straw enter the holes and poke your toes. Enter the tall, very un-cute, black rubber boot. Do my feet sweat in these. Yes. Do they look stupid with my shorts? Yes. Is there pig poop on my feet? Nope. Blue ribbon. I’ll save my Crocs for the garden!

  2. Tiny garden bouquets. Making a big bouquet can be intimidating, but tiny ones aren’t! I love clipping a few little blooms for the bathroom. They just make me so happy.

  3. The gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John on repeat. One chapter a day. I’ve done more difficult Bible reading plans, but I am discovering so many things I never noticed before by slowing down and reading less at a time.

  4. Walmart pick up. When my kids were tiny did I take them to the grocery store? Did I do that? I don’t know, but if something needs a blue ribbon it is the Walmart pick up.

  5. Halo Top Coconut popsicles. Tell the Walmart that you need these.

  6. An art project. This is broad, yes, but my mind loves a project. I was feeling so blah about summer, then I gave myself a specific project: painting old postcards. Honestly, I didn't even work on this project all that much, but just having it in my mind helped my summer. When I did have some time to paint, I knew what to work on.

  7. English paper piecing. This is basically a granny/pioneer version of quilting, all by hand. You cut or punch cards into shapes (usually hexagons), cover those with fabric, then sew them together. I have been doing it forever, and while I never really have any finished quilts to show for it, I love it so much. It ticks all the crafting boxes.

  8. Preordering books. I love to read! I love getting books in the mail! I love learning about all the new books coming out, then I preorder a few. It gives me something to look forward to. (Sometimes I forget that I ordered them, then it is such a fun surprise when they show up in the mailbox!)

  9. Our parking lot kitten, Selma. In June, we found a little kitten wondering around our church parking lot. We took her home, and have babied her ever since. We’ve had a lot of kittens on the farm, but we’ve never doted on one like this before. She has brought such joy and fun to us.

  10. Indiana State Fair workers. In particular I’m talking about the older gentlemen in the information booth, Bob on the radio on the free tractor trolley, and the parking workers with kind words as they waved their flags and parked all the cars in the livestock parking lot. We were at the fair with our pigs for three days, and gosh, these people were a bright spot. Blue ribbons all around.